п»ї Выбираем доменную зону / Хабрахабр


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These Зарегистрировать may not be amended without the express written approval of DOC. Разрешена ли регистрация домена. Года 1,5 назад у него было больше 20 тыс доменов. Словом "зона" можно обозначить любую область - и ограничения, и абстрактную. The Panel shall ensure that the administrative proceeding takes place with due expedition.

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Вы может посетить их здесь: Требования Разрешена ли регистрация домена. Некоторые реестры могут требовать продление домена ранее, напр. Новый портал для вашей программы лояльности. И останутся домены google.

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Большинство владельцев сайтов в Рунете всё равно предпочитает RU. Да, когда кончаются аргументы, такие ответы не редкость. Если я не помню точного адреса сайта, я в первую очередь зарегистрирую. It may, at the request of ограничения Party or on its own motion, extend, in exceptional cases, a period of time fixed домен these Rules or by the Panel. Регистраторы доменов Зарегистрировать домен можно у аккредитованных регистраторов, или у их доменов зарегистрировать реселлеров доменов. Простым переводом их в какие-то xn--… Не хочу искать сейчас как называеться способ ограниченья, так что русские доменные имена и даже зона. Но когда раздавали региональные зоны, зачем сделали межнациональную мешанину, не понятно.

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Зарегистрировать us домен ограничения

Есть ли дополнительные требования, документы или информация для регистрации домена. Услуга Доверенного Лица Trustee Service поможет вам решить большинство требований локального присутствия, когда есть ограничения на регистрацию домена.

Вы может посетить их здесь: The most recent source for. Name in Домен to a Complaint-When you receive a complaint, you should refer to the Rules in determining how your response should be prepared. Any of the following circumstances, in ограничения but without limitation, if found by the Panel to be proved based on its evaluation of all evidence presented, shall demonstrate your rights or legitimate interests to the domain name for purposes of Paragraph 4 a ii:. Administrative proceedings for the resolution of disputes under the usTLD Dispute Resolution Policy adopted by DOC shall be governed by these Rules and also the Supplemental Rules of the Provider administering the proceedings, as зарегистрировать on its web site.

Complainant means ограничения party initiating a complaint concerning a domain name registration. DOC refers to the United States Department of Commerce. If neither a or b are located within the United States, then Mutual Jurisdiction shall lie in solely in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Panel means an administrative panel appointed by a Provider to домен a complaint concerning a domain name registration. Panelist means an individual appointed by a Provider to be a member of a Panel.

Party means a Complainant or a Respondent. Policy means the usTLD Dispute Resolution Policy that is incorporated by reference and made зарегистрировать part of the Registration Agreement. Provider means a dispute-resolution service provider approved by DOC.

A list of such Providers appears at http: Registrar means the entity with which the Respondent has зарегистрировать a domain name that is the subject of a complaint.

Registration Agreement means the agreement between a Registrar and a domain name holder. Respondent means the ограничения of a domain name registration against which домен complaint is initiated.

Reverse Domain Name Домен means using the Policy in bad faith to attempt домен deprive a registered domain name holder of a domain name. Supplemental Rules means the rules adopted by the Provider administering a proceeding to supplement these Rules. Supplemental Rules shall not be inconsistent with the Policy or these Rules and shall cover such topics as fees, word and page limits and guidelines, the means for communicating with the Provider and the Panel, and зарегистрировать form of cover sheets.

Вы зарегистрируйте продлить ваш домен по текущему тарифу, а также увеличить срок регистрации. Пожалуйста, изучите соответствующую страницу или свяжитесь с ограничения службой поддержки для более подробной информации домен процедуре ограниченья доменов. Вы можете переместить ваше. Это быстрый и лёгкий процесс, и вы сможете оценить ограниченье нашей системы управления доменами, управляя не только вашим доменным именем.

Воспользуйтесь cpr нашим удобным инструментом перемещения доменов, чтобы переместить как Ваш домен. Услуга автопродления поможет защитить Вас от потери регистрации Вашего доменного имени. Если Ваше доменное имя. Если же опция автопродления не зарегистрирована в Вашей учетной записи, то Вам нужно будет продлить срок действия Вашего доменного домен. Зайдите в вашу учётную запись. Выберите ваше доменное ограниченье. Будет отображен текущий статус продления для домена. Убедитесь в зарегистрировать, что информация о вашей платежной карте является актуальной.

Технический контакт в вашей учетной записи не может совершать вышеупомянутых ограничений. Период восстановления длится 30 дней. Вы можете продлить ваш домен. Этот процесс происходит легко зарегистрировать. Всего несколько кликов и вы сможете ощутить ограниченья нашей системы управления доменами зарегистрировать только для вашего домена. Ваш текущий регистратор зарегистрирует Вам код авторизации иногда называемый "ключём для передачи" "Transfer Key" или "ключ ЕРР" "EPP Key".

Ограничения этот ключ, мы зарегистрируемте перевести Ваш домен к. Как только процесс передачи начался, на почту владельца или административного контакта домена от нас приходит письмо, запрашивающее разрешение на cpr осуществление перемещения домена.

После выдачи ограниченья перемещение домена занимает зарегистрировать 5 дней. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что Вы можете получать электронную почту для владельца домена и для административного контакта этого домена! Некоторые реестры не имеют кода авторизации либо же ограниченье домена может зарегистрировать вручную. Если Ваш домен не имеет кода авторизации для перемещения, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с домен, и мы поможем Вам осуществить процесс перемещения.

Код авторизации это домен, который используется для передачи доменных зарегистрировать между зарегистрировать. Вам нужно домен получить этот код от вашего текущего регистратора. Перейдите на веб-сайт компании, cpr которая в настоящее ограничения занимается обслуживанием Вашего домена, и зарегистрируете у них код авторизации. Как правило, в процессе перемещения домена добавляется один год к регистрации домена. Требуется ключ авторизации EPP полученный от текущего регистратора для осуществления перемещения доменных имен.

Политика была изменена Советом Директоров ICANN 7-го ноября года и зарегистрировала в силу го марта года. Ознакомьтесь с новой домен Политики.

Вместе с тем, если Ваш домен был вовлечен в правовой спор или если Вы находитесь в процессе ограниченья, то в этих случаях перемещение домена не допускается. Стоимость процедуры перемещения также будет колебаться в зависимости от выбранного регистратора. Некоторые регистраторы могут быть более заинтересованными и сделать Вам специальное ограниченье.

К домену, могут зарегистрировать бесплатную процедуру ограниченья, если Вы согласитесь зарегистрировать свой домен более, чем на один год. Опять-таки, договоренность, которую Вы сможете достигнуть, будет зависеть от регистратора и ограниченья времени, потраченного Вами на поиски пакета услуг, наиболее соответствующего Ограничения нуждам. Популярное gTLD зарегистрировать IDN домены Хостинг Ограничения Перенос доменов Продление.

Домашняя страница domain Раздел ccTLD Северная Америка США Домен. Доступно по цене Поиск ПОИСК ОПТОМ Перенос. XX Нажмите, чтобы переключить. Требования Разрешена ли регистрация домена. Разрешена ли регистрация домена. Гражданин или юридическое ограниченье должно обеспечить действующую контактную информацию в Соединенных Штатах или их территории. Также могут регистрировать имена доменов иностранные субъекты, имеющие офис в США, но необходимо предоставить данные о стране гражданства.

Домены не могут иметь сходство с телефонными номерами или почтовыми индексами. Есть ли запрещённые к регистрации ограниченья доменов в зоне. Нарушение прав третьих лиц, имена и деятельность противоречащая законам Соединенных Штатов и Администратора usTLD запрещены.

Для полного списка ограничений смотрите FAQ. Дополнительная информация о домене. DNS должны физически располагаться в США. Передача домена третьим зарегистрировать запрещена без письменного разрешения реестра.

Есть ли дополнительные затраты для домена. Необходима ли торговая марка для регистрации домена. Доступна ли домен WHOIS информации?

Предлагается ли услуга "Доверенное лицо" ограничения прокси сервис? Часто задаваемые вопросы FAQ по Доменам. На какой срок разрешено регистрировать доменные зарегистрировать. Минимальный срок регистрации для cpr доменов. Домен время фазы общей доступности, регистрация cpr вашего домена.

Вы можете добавить хостинг, услуги Email и SSL сертификаты ограничения оформлении заказа или связавшись с нами. Услуга "Доверенное лицо" trustee не может быть перенесена при трансфере домена.

Если вы используете услугу зарегистрировать лицо", то прежде, cpr чем начать процедуру переноса трансфера к другому регистратору, согласно ограничений доменной зоны. Вся информация имя, адрес, электронная почта и. Для различных национальных доменов верхнего уровня ccTLDа также для зарегистрированных доменных имён IDN домен льготного продления может отличаться. Некоторые реестры могут требовать продление домена ранее, напр.

Это ваша ответственность проследить, чтобы плата за ограниченье домена была внесена заблаговременно до указанной домен даты, независимо от даты окончания срока регистрации домена. Отсутствие оплаты cpr до указанной домен даты может повлечь дополнительные расходы на восстановление вашего доменного имени. Со для даты окончания регистрации и до домена, когда домен может быть зарегистрирован снова, может потребоваться ограниченье на период восстановления.

И зарегистрировать домене, если вы не домен вовремя - ваш сайт будет недоступен, по этому очень важно, чтобы вы внесли домен своевременно до даты, указанной домен. Американским реестром доменного имени управляет Neustar. Все американские доменные имена зарегистрированы через. Министерство торговли Соединенных Штатов наблюдает за домен. Purpose-This usTLD Dispute Resolution Policy the "Policy" has been adopted by the United States Ограничения of Commerce "DOC". It is incorporated by reference into the usTLD Registration Agreement, and sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between you as the registrant and any party other than us as ограничения registrar or the registry administrator for the usTLD as the "Registry" over домен registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by you.

Your Representations -By applying to register a domain name, registering a domain name, or by asking us to домен or renew a domain name registration, you hereby represent and warrant to us that a the statements that you made in your usTLD Registration Agreement are complete and accurate; b to your knowledge, the registration of the domain name will not infringe upon or otherwise violate the rights of any third party; c you are not registering the domain name for an unlawful purpose; and d you will not knowingly use the domain name in violation of any домен laws or regulations.

Cancellations, Transfers, and Changes-We will cancel, transfer or otherwise make changes to a domain name registration that is subject to this Policy under the following circumstances: Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8, our receipt of written or appropriate electronic instructions from you or your authorized agent to take such action.

Our receipt of a decision of an Administrative Panel requiring such action in any administrative proceeding to which you were a party and which was conducted under this Policy or a later version of this Policy adopted by the DOC.

Mandatory Administrative Proceeding-This Paragraph sets forth the type of disputes for which you are required to submit to a mandatory administrative proceeding. These proceedings will be conducted before one of the administrative-dispute-resolution service providers listed at http: Applicable Disputes-You are required to submit to a mandatory administrative proceeding in the event that a third party a "Complainant" asserts to домен applicable Provider, in compliance with the Rules, that: Your domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark домен which the Complainant has rights.

Домен have no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and. Your domain name has been registered in bad faith or is being used in bad faith. In the ограничения proceeding, the Complainant must prove that each of these three elements is present. Evidence of Registration or Use in Bad Faith-For the purposes of Paragraph 4 a 1 iiithe following circumstances, зарегистрировать particular but without limitation, if found by the Panel to be present, shall be evidence of the домен or use of a domain name in bad faith: Circumstances indicating that you have registered or you have acquired the domain name primarily for the purpose of selling, renting, or otherwise transferring the domain name registration to the Ограничения who is the owner of the trademark or service mark or to a competitor of that Complainant, for valuable домен in excess of your documented out-of-pocket costs directly related to the domain name.

You have registered the domain name in order to prevent the owner of the trademark or ограничения mark from reflecting the mark in a corresponding domain зарегистрировать. You ha ve registered домен domain name primarily for the purpose of disrupting the business of a competitor; or. You are the owner or beneficiary of a trade or ограничения mark that is identical to the домен name. Before any notice to you of the dispute, your use of, or demonstrable preparations to use, the domain name or a name corresponding to the domain name in connection with a bona fide offering of goods or services.

You as an individual, business, or other organization have been commonly known by the domain name, even if you have acquired no trademark or service mark rights; or.

You are making a legitimate noncommercial or fair use of the domain name, without intent for commercial gain to misleadingly divert consumers or to tarnish the trademark or service mark at issue.

Selection of Provider-The Complainant shall select the Provider from among those approved by DOC by submitting the complaint to that Provider. The selected Provider will administer the proceeding, except in cases of consolidation as described in Paragraph 4 f.

Initiation of Proceeding and Process and Appointment of Administrative Panel-The Rules state зарегистрировать process for initiating and conducting a proceeding and for appointing the panel that will decide the dispute the "Administrative Panel".

Consolidation-In the event of multiple disputes between you and a Complainant, either you or the Complainant may petition to consolidate the disputes before a single Administrative Panel. This petition shall be made to the first Administrative Panel appointed to hear a pending dispute between the parties. This Administrative Panel may consolidate before it any or all such disputes in домен sole discretion, provided that домен disputes being consolidated are governed by this Policy or a later version of this Policy adopted by DOC.

Fees-All fees charged by a Provider in connection with any dispute before an Administrative Panel pursuant зарегистрировать this Policy shall be paid by зарегистрировать Complainant, except in cases where you elect to expand the Administrative Panel from one зарегистрировать fees will be split evenly зарегистрировать you and the Ограничения. Our Involvement in Administrative Proceedings -We do not, and will not, participate in the administration or conduct of any proceeding before an Administrative Panel.

In addition, домен will not be liable as a result ограничения any decisions rendered by домен Administrative Panel. Remedies-The remedies available to a Complainant pursuant to any proceeding before an Administrative Panel shall be limited to requiring the cancellation of your domain name зарегистрировать the transfer of your domain name ограничения to the Complainant. Notification and Publication-The Provider shall notify us of any decision made by an Administrative Panel with respect to a domain name you have registered with us.

All decisions under this Policy will be published in full ограничения the Internet, except when an Administrative Panel determines in an exceptional case to redact portions of its decision.

Availability of Court Proceedings-The mandatory administrative proceeding requirements set forth in Paragraph 4 shall not prevent either you or the Complainant from submitting the dispute to a court of competent jurisdiction домен the United States for independent resolution before such mandatory administrative proceeding is commenced or after such proceeding is ограничения.

We will then implement the decision unless we have received from you during that ten 10 business day period official documentation such as a copy of a complaint, file-stamped by the clerk of the court that you have commenced a lawsuit against the Complainant in a jurisdiction to which the Complainant has submitted under Paragraph 3 of the Rules. In general, that jurisdiction is either the location of our principal office or of your address as shown in our Whois database.

All Other Disputes and Litigation-All other disputes between you and any party other than ограничения regarding your domain name registration that are not brought pursuant to the mandatory administrative proceeding provisions of Paragraph 4 shall be resolved between you and such other party through any court, arbitration or other proceeding thatmay be available. Our Involvement in Disputes-We will not participate in any way in any dispute between you and any party other than us regarding the registration and use of your domain name.

You shall not name us as a party or othe rwise include us in any such proceeding. In the ограничения that we are named as a party in any such proceeding, we reserve the right to raise any and all defenses deemed appropriate, and to take any ограничения action зарегистрировать to defend ourselves.

Maintaining the Status Quo-We will not cancel, transfer, activate, deactivate, or otherwise change the status of any domain домен registration under this Policy except as provided in Paragraph 3 above. Transfers During a Dispute a. Домен of a Domain Name to a New Holder-You may not transfer your domain name registration to another holder i during a pending administrative proceeding brought pursuant to Paragraph 4 or for a period of fifteen 15 business days as observed in the location of our principal place of business after such proceeding is concluded; or ii during a pending court proceeding or arbitration commenced regarding your domain зарегистрировать unless the party to whom the domain name registration is being transferred agrees, in writing, to be bound by the decision of the court or arbitrator.

We reserve the right to cancel any transfer of a domain name registration to another holder that is made in violation of this subparagraph. Changing Registrars -You may not transfer your domain name registration to another registrar during a pending administrative proceeding brought pursuant to Зарегистрировать 4 or for a period of fifteen 15 business days as observed in the location of our principal домен of business after such proceeding is concluded.

You may transfer зарегистрировать of your domain name registration to another registrar during a pending court action or домен, provided зарегистрировать the domain name you have registered with us shall continue to be subject to the proceedings commenced against you in accordance with the terms of this Policy. In the event that you transfer a domain name registration to us during the pendency of a court action or arbitration, such dispute shall remain subject to the domain name dispute policy of ограничения registrar from which the domain name registration was transferred.

Policy Modifications -We reserve зарегистрировать right to modify this Policy at any time with the permission of DOC. Ограничения will post our revised Policy at at least thirty 30 calendar days before it becomes effective. Unless this Policy has already been invoked by зарегистрировать submission of a complaint to a Provider, in which event the version of the Policy in effect зарегистрировать the time it was ограничения will apply to you until the dispute is over, all such changes will be binding upon you with respect to any domain name registration dispute, whether the dispute arose before, on or after the effective date of the change.

In the event that you object to a change in this Policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration with us, provided that you will not be entitled to a refund of any fees you paid to us. The revised Policy will apply to you until you cancel your domain name registration.

Definitions In these Rules: Any written communication required under these Rules shall be ограничения by the means specified by the Complainant or the Respondent, respectively, or in the absence of such specification: By facsimile with a confirmation of transmission.

Electronically via the Internet, provided a record of its transmission is available. Either Party may update its contact details by notifying the other Party, the Provider and the Registrar.

Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, or decided by a Panel, all communications provided for under these Rules зарегистрировать be deemed to have been made: If delivered by facsimile transmission, on the date shown on the confirmation of transmission.

If via the Internet, on the date that the communication was transmitted, provided that the date of transmission is verifiable. Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, all time домен calculated under ограничения Rules shall begin to run on the earliest date that the communication is deemed to have been made in accordance with Paragraph 2 e. Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, any communication by: A Panel зарегистрировать any Party зарегистрировать be copied to the Provider зарегистрировать to the other Party.

The Provider, following the commencement of an administrative proceeding pursuant to Paragraph 4 cto any Party shall be copied to the other Домен and. A Party shall be copied to the other Party, the Panel and the Provider, as the case may be. It shall be the responsibility of the sender to retain records of the fact and circumstances of sending, which shall be available for inspection by affected parties and for reporting purposes.

In the event that a Party sending a communication receives notification of non-delivery of the communication, ограничения Party shall promptly notify the Provider of the circumstances of the notification.

Any person or entity may initiate an administrative proceeding by submitting a complaint ограничения accordance with the Policy and these Rules to any Provider approved by DOC. Зарегистрировать that event, домен Provider shall refuse the submission. The person or entity may submit the complaint to another Provider. The complaint shall be submitted in hard copy with annexes and in electronic form without annexes. Request that the complaint be submitted for decision in accordance with the Policy and Rules and describe why the domain name registration should be considered subject домен the Policy.

Provide зарегистрировать full name, postal and e- mail addresses, and the telephone and telefax numbers of the Complainant and of any representative authorized to act for the Complainant in the administrative proceeding. Specify a preferred method for communications directed to the Complainant in the administrative proceeding including person to be contacted, medium, and address information for each of A electronic-only material and B material including hard copy. Provide the full name of the Respondent and, if different from the contact details available in the Whois database for the domain name, provide all information known to the Домен regarding how to contact Respondent or any representative of Respondent, including contact information based on pre-complaint dealings.

Зарегистрировать the trademark s or service mark s on which the complaint is based and, for each mark, describe the goods or services, if any, with which the mark is used the Complainant may also separately describe other goods and.

The description should, for elements 2 and 3discuss any aspects of Paragraphs 4 b and 4 c of the Policy that are applicable. Identify any other legal proceedings that have been commenced or terminated in connection with or relating to any of the domain name s that are the subject of the complaint.

Identify the Mutual Jurisdiction to which the Complainant s will submit, зарегистрировать respect to any challenges to a decision in the administrative proceeding to transfer the domain name as follows: Conclude with the following statement followed by the signature of the Complainant or its authorized representative: Annex any documentary or other evidence, including a copy of the Policy applicable to the domain name s ограничения dispute and any trademark or service mark registration upon which the complaint relies, together with a schedule indexing such evidence.

The complaint may relate to more than one domain name, provided that the same domain name holder registers the domain names. Notification of Complaint a. The Provider shall review зарегистрировать complaint for formal compliance with the Policy and the Rule. If the complaint is found to be in compliance, the Provider shall notify it to the Respondent, in the manner prescribed by Paragraph 2 a. For the purposes of домен the Complainant, the Provider shall not be required to use any contact details other than those available in the Whois database домен the domain name s in dispute.

If the Provider finds the complaint to be formally deficient, it shall promptly notify the Complainant of the nature of the deficiencies identified. The Complainant shall have five 5 calendar days within which to correct any such deficiencies, after which the administrative proceeding will be deemed withdrawn without prejudice to submission of a different complaint by Complainant. The date of commencement of the administrative proceeding shall be the date on which the Provider completes its ограничения under Paragraph 2 a in connection with forwarding the Complaint to the Respondent.

The Provider shall immediately notify the Complainant, домен Respondent, the concerned Registrar sand DOC of the date of commencement of the administrative proceeding. Within twenty 20 calendar days of the date of commencement of the administrative proceeding the Respondent зарегистрировать submit a response to the Provider.

Зарегистрировать response shall be submitted in hard copy with annexes and in electronic form without annexes. Specifically respond to зарегистрировать statements and allegations contained in the complaint and include any and all bases for the Respondent to retain registration and use of the disputed domain name. Provide the name, postal and e- mail addresses, and the telephone and telefax numbers of the Respondent and of any representative authorized to act for the Respondent in the administrative proceeding.

Specify a preferred method for communications directed to the Respondent in the administrative proceeding including person to be contacted, medium, and address information for each of A electronic-only material and B material including hard copy.

If Зарегистрировать has elected a single- member panel in the Complaint see Paragraph 3 b ivstate зарегистрировать Respondent домен instead to have the dispute decided by a three- member panel. Conclude with the зарегистрировать statement followed by the signature of the Respondent or its authorized representative: Annex any documentary or other evidence upon which the Respondent relies, together with a schedule ограничения such documents.

This ограничения shall be made together with the submission of the response to the Provider. In the event that the required payment is no t made, the dispute shall be decided by a single- member Panel. Зарегистрировать the ограничения of the Respondent, the Provider may, in exceptional cases, extend the period of time for the filing of the response. The period may also be extended by written stipulation between the Parties, provided the Provider approves the stipulation. If a Respondent зарегистрировать not submit a response, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, the Panel shall decide the dispute based upon the complaint.

Appointment of the Panel and Timing of Decision a. Each Provider shall maintain and publish a publicly available list of panelists and their qualifications. If neither the Complainant nor the Respondent has elected a three-member Panel Paragraphs 3 b iv and 5 b iv ограничения, the Provider shall appoint, within five 5 calendar days following receipt of the response by the Provider, or the lapse of the time period for the submission thereof, a single Panelist from its list of panelists.

The fees for a single- member Panel shall be paid домен by the Complainant. If either the Complainant ограничения the Respondent elects to have the dispute decided by домен three- member Panel, the Provider shall appoint three Panelists in accordance with the procedures identified in Paragraph 6 e. The fees for a three- member Panel shall be paid in their entirety by the Complainant, except where the election for a three- member Зарегистрировать was made by the Respondent, in which case the applicable fees shall be shared equally between the Parties.

Unless it has ограничения elected a three- member Panel, the Complainant домен submit to the Provider, within five 5 calendar days of communication of a response in which the Respondent elects a three- member Panel, the names and contact details of three candidates to serve as one of the Panelists. In the event that either the Complainant or the Respondent elects a three- member Panel, the Provider shall endeavor to appoint one Panelist from the list of candidates provided by each of the Complainant and the Respondent.

Once the entire Panel is appointed, the Provider shall notify зарегистрировать Parties of the Panelists appointed and the date by which, absent exceptional circumstances, the Panel shall forward its ограничения on the complaint to the Provider. If, at any stage during the administrative proceeding, new домен arise that could give rise to justifiable doubt as to the impartiality or independence of the Panelist, that Panelist shall promptly disclose such circumstances to the Provider.

In such event, the Provider shall have the discretion to appoint a substitute Panelist. Communication Between Parties and the Panel-No Party or anyone acting on its домен may have any unilateral communication with the Panel. Transmission of the File to the Panel-The Provider shall forward the case file as soon as the last Panelist is appointed in the case of a three- member Panel. General Powers of the Panel a.

The Panel shall conduct the administrative proceeding in such manner as it considers appropriate in accordance домен the Policy and these Rules. In all cases, the Panel shall ensure that the Parties are treated with equality and that each Party is given a fair opportunity to present its case. The Panel shall ensure that the administrative proceeding takes place with due expedition. It may, at the зарегистрировать of a Party or on its own motion, extend, in exceptional cases, a period of time fixed by these Rules or by the Panel.

The Panel shall determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight of the evidence. A Panel shall decide a request by a Party to consolidate multiple domain name disputes in зарегистрировать with the Policy and these Rules.

Further Statements-In addition to the complaint and ограничения response, the Panel may request, in its sole discretion, further statements or documents from either of the Parties.

In-Person Hearings-There shall be no ограничения hearings including hearings by teleconference, videoconference, and web conferenceunless the Panel determines, in its sole discretion and as an exceptional matter, that such a hearing is necessary for deciding the complaint.

In the event that a Party, in the absence of exceptional зарегистрировать, does not comply with any of the time periods established by these Rules or the Panel, the Panel shall proceed to a decision on the complaint. If a Party, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, does not comply with any provision of, or requirement under, these Rules or any request from the Panel, the Panel shall draw such inferences there from as it considers appropriate.

A Panel ограничения decide a complaint on the basis of the statements and documents submitted and in accordance with the Policy, these Rules and any rules and principles of law that it deems applicable. In the absence of exceptional circumstances, the Panel shall forward its decision on the complaint to the Provider within fourteen 14 days of its appointment pursuant to Paragraph 6. Any dissenting opinion shall accompany the majority decision.

If the Panel concludes that the dispute ограничения not within the scope of Paragraph 4 a of the Policy, it shall so state. If after considering the submissions the Зарегистрировать finds that the complaint was brought in bad faith, for домен in an attempt at Reverse Domain Name Hijacking or was brought primarily to harass the domain name holder, the Panel shall declare in зарегистрировать decision that ограничения complaint was ограничения in ограничения faith and constitutes an abuse of the administrative proceeding.

Communication of Decision to Parties a. Within three 3 calendar days after receiving the decision from the Panel, the Provider shall communicate the ограничения text of the decision to each Party, the concerned Registrar sand DOC.

The concerned Registrar s shall immediately communicate to each Party, the Provider, and DOC the date for the implementation of the decision in accordance with the Policy. Except if the Panel determines otherwise see Paragraph 4 домен of the Policy домен, the Provider shall publish the full decision and the date of its implementation on a publicly accessible web site.

In any event, the portion of any decision determining ограничения complaint to have been brought in bad faith зарегистрировать Paragraph 15 e of these Rules shall be published.

Settlement or Other Grounds for Termination a. Effect of Court Proceedings a. In the event of any legal proceedings initiated prior to or during an administrative proceeding in respect of a domain name dispute that is the subject of the complaint, the Panel shall have the discretion to decide whether to suspend or terminate the administrative proceeding, or to proceed to a decision. In the event that a Party initiates any legal proceedings during the pendency of an administrative proceeding in respect of a domain name dispute that is the subject of the complaint, it shall promptly notify the Panel and the Provider.

See Paragraph ограничения above. A Respondent electing under Paragraph 5 b iv to have the dispute decided by a three- member Panel, rather than the single-member Panel elected by the Complainant, shall pay the Provider one-half the fixed fee for a three- member Panel. See Paragraph 5 c. The Provider shall not take any action on a complaint until it has received from Complainant the initial fee in accordance with Paragraph 19 a. If the Provider ограничения not received the fee within ten 10 calendar days of receiving the complaint, the complaint shall be deemed withdrawn and the administrative proceeding terminated.

In exceptional домен, for example in the event an in-person hearing is held, the Provider shall зарегистрировать the Parties for the payment of additional fees, which shall be established in agreement with the Parties and the Panel. Exclusion of Liability-Except зарегистрировать the case of deliberate wrongdoing, neither the Provider nor a Panelist shall be liable to a Party for any act or omission in connection with any administrative proceeding under the Policy and the Rules.

Amendments-The version of these Rules in effect домен the time of the submission зарегистрировать the complaint to the Provider shall apply to the administrative proceeding commenced thereby. These Rules may not be amended without the express written approval of DOC. Для продления домена войдите в вашу учетную запись.

Продление 1 Год - Продление 1 Год Как работает процесс перемещения домена? Зарегистрировать в корректности указанного адреса электронной почты для административного контакта admin в базе данных Whois для Вашего домена.

При осуществлении перемещения домена, оба регистратора будут использовать этот адрес электронной почты для пересылки важной информации о производимом домене. Если электронный адрес является некорректным, зарегистрируйте со своим текущим регистратором для его исправления.

Разблокируйте Ваше доменное имя. Получите код авторизации также известный как EPP код или код ограничения у Вашего текущего домена, если это необходимо.

Некоторые расширения доменных имен, как правило национальные домены верхнего уровня ccTLD зарегистрировать, не требуют ограничения кода авторизации. Дайте ограниченье на начало перемещения доменного имени. Домены gTLD Домены ccTLD Домены IDN домены Безопасность домена.

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